Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Momentum for #pb10for10 is Building!

Momentum for #pb10for10 is building and WE LOVE IT!  Cathy and I often laugh at ourselves and wonder which is more dangerous of our duo.  She won the most dangerous move for this project when she wrote a Nerdy Book Club post without telling me about it until she pushed send.  The post was great.  We think it's increased our audience along with the news spreading via twitter.  We have loved reading tweets from so many saying they are going to participate.  Today, Cathy shared a list she was keeping as she has heard about participation, again an organized dangerous move I didn't know about and in the same tweet she said she would buy me ice cream.  So, now all her dangerous moves are better because I get ice cream!  

When we started this project we wanted to encourage as much participation as possible. We didn't know if anyone would join us.  We asked anyone to let us know via a comment on our blog and/or via twitter with the hashtag #pb10for10.  While these are both great ways to find out and gather participants it can be a bit crazy trying to keep track of them all.  Last year, I had the idea to alphabetize blogposts by the blog's name in the jog and it helped a bit.  I think I'm the less dangerous partner with this move.

In anticipation of increased participation and keeping us a bit sane for gathering all of your wonderful list, we need your help. We are going to ask anyone participating and wanting their post linked to our jog to leave a comment here or at Cathy's site Reflect and Refine: Building a Learning Community.  Yes, to be included in the jog please leave a comment on one of our blogs.  We will be sharing the links to post and remind people a lot on Friday and Saturday.  We got this idea from participating in Poetry Friday.

Continue to tweet and use #pb10for10 on Saturday as a way to share your post and increase your audience. We hope to make some "tweeting" noise on Saturday, see you soon.


  1. We've already been working on our post! See you Saturday!!

  2. HI--I will be participating. We should have 2 lists up at A Year of Reading

    Looking forward to it!

    Thanks so much for organizing!

  3. Mandy,
    First of all, I'm not sure I'm the dangerous one of the two of us.

    I do think the suggestion to comment away, but ADD LINKS TO ONLY ONE OF OUR BLOGS will help us to manage the creation of the jog resource. I'm pretty excited about the amount of participation we are likely going to see --- and thrilled to see the 6-12 participants that have joined the fun! I'm hoping the PK-5 audience will continue to add their amazing lists. If it gets too crazy I'm pretty sure Tony has graciously offered to help.

    Buckle your seatbelt!

  4. I'll be posting!

  5. I'm posting! I told Cathy I was on Twitter so I didn't know if I needed to post here or not.

  6. Hoping to join in this year. I'm a 6th grade middle school teacher.

  7. I'm looking forward to posting!

  8. I'll be posting!

  9. I've got my post schedule and ready to go for tomorrow at

    Looking forward to seeing all the lists! :-)

  10. I will also be posting.

  11. I am so excited to have found this event just this morning. I've been reading lists, finding new blogs & people to follow on twitter & even contributing my own list.

  12. Link to my post:

  13. Here's my post:
