Friday, May 20, 2016

Celebrate This Week - Best and Difference

Today I celebrate a year of trying my best and knowing today I made a difference for one.  W walked into my classroom with his huge charming grin and held a little mesh bag for me with a handwritten note.  I could tell he was eager for me to open it.  I opened it, found a bracelet, and slowly burst into tears.  See that careful word choice because I was really trying to not instantaneously burst into tears.   He held up his wrist and said, "I got one too" with that huge charming grin.  As I hugged him, I asked if he knew I would cry and he replied with a yea.

This became our word this year; a little guidance, a little patience with uncertainty, a little encouragement when redirected, a little increase in stamina, a willingness to try again, a willingness to slow down, believing in himself, and less tears.


Thank you Ruth at Ruth Ayers Writes for encouraging us to find celebrations in daily lives.  If you need to read more positive things stop by this weeks linkup.  


  1. It's a wonderful story, Mandy. You've made such a difference in this boy's life, and I imagine he's made one in yours, too. Cheering your celebration!

  2. Love this story and your bracelets! And the impact you've had on this little guy will always be remembered by him and you. Happy almost-end of school year!

  3. Mandy, this is a touching reason to celebrate! Gifts from the heart are the best and forever cherished. "W" will always hold a place in your heart. ~Amy

  4. I a sure this a memory and a bracelet you will long cherish.

  5. Oh my goodness, I almost cried too! What an impact you have made on this boy that he would think to get you a bracelet...then get one for himself too. WOW!


  6. What an amazing gift you have given him of learning to persevere. It sounds like you have made a huge impact for this child. Way to Go!

  7. A gift from the heart is the best. I love that he had a matching bracelet. You do make a difference with each child that spends a year with you.

  8. What a story! You made me cry! I love the bracelet!

  9. An unforgettable gift for an unforgettable teaching.

  10. Don't you love it when they get it? Wow! Love these bracelets and the meaning behind them. You rock!

  11. Ah, this is why we teach. Because learning and believing takes time and they need us day after day after day,

  12. How lovely to celebrate a year of direction, a Choice with a colleague.

  13. Wow! How lovely. Connected souls. I'd burst into tears too!

  14. Mandy -- this is beautiful. I love the bracelet, and I love the story that goes along with it. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
    Hugs, Ruth
