Monday, March 18, 2019

Bedrest = Small Tasks {18 of 31 Slice of Life}

I woke up and got ready for my day echoing the doctor's orders from yesterday.  Quarantine yourself and get lots of rest.  I was going to easily continue my quarantine because work and school are calling my husband and daughter.  Rest.  Something I don't do too well so I decided some small tasks balanced with rest could be a good compromise.    I didn't write the plan down because that would formalize it and it seemed against the doctor's orders.  So, I made breakfast, ate it in bed, while reading a book.  Then I put away a load of laundry of mine.  Took a load another load of mine to the washer, washed a few dishes, and watered the plants on the second floor.  I read a bit more then napped on and off for a bit.  Made and ate lunch back in bed while reading.  Packed up the clothes I'm donating after Marie Kondo-ing my closet pre-flu.  Did a quick calculation and realized I'm passing on over 100 items for someone else to enjoy.  Now I'm watching a movie and wondering what to do next because my flexible small tasks got done.    

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community.


  1. That does not sound like resting!! I am sick too and I've pretty much been in bed doing NOTHING since Saturday night. Get your rest girl! And hope you feel better.

  2. You go, girl! How about some more reading time? Another nap? Or another movie? The rest is key to getting better.

  3. I know it sounds blissful ... but being sick stinks. Take care of yourself. Stream a series ... have you watched This is Us -- so good!

  4. This does not sound like resting to me either. I know it's hard not to putter with some tasks, but follow the doctor's orders. Hope you are feeling a little better now.
