Saturday, March 21, 2020

Home Office Hours? {21 of 31 Slice of Life}

I slept in and made a small plan for my day and it got derailed as most days have so far.  The derailments that came up weren't bad derailments.  They were just needs or wants of others.  As we ventured out with Clorox wipes for final bedroom needs at IKEA's curb side pick up and fabric to make blankets for the bestie friends we can't see right now, I found myself wondering...can I hang a sign up for office hours availability?  Helping others settle in has become a huge priority here.  Going from three here full time to four has been a bigger adjustment than normal.  My friend said to me today, I don't miss those days when all the college disorganized stuff comes home and she reminded me we usually have a warning when it's coming.  That made so much sense to me and I had to remind myself on top of all of this - we flipped her bedroom.  We are almost there; having her settled in.  I see light at the end of this welcome home early phase.  

For now, I'm not offering office hours - it seems a bit odd to do at home.  I know once things are settled physically; more will settle within us.  I'm headed out for a long walk bundled up without my dog.  I think going alone with a few podcasts will clear my head.  I might even sneak in a yoga session here at the house; I'm missing those before family movie night.

 Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community and offering this challenge.


  1. I have been struggling with office hours management, too. Sometimes we need to prioritize our own adjustments.

  2. Remembering to take care of ourselves is essential in these stressful times. I think we'll have to continue to figure things out as we go. I think the walk and the yoga are more important than the office hours!

  3. Still fiddling with my schedule, too, Mandy. This will be our first full week of distance teaching/learning, so still working through things. A walk outdoors with podcasts resets me, too.
