Saturday, March 28, 2020

Humor is Welcomed {28 of 31 Slice of Life}

Baking has become a past time for one of my daughters.  We are enjoying freshly baked chocolate chip cookies after dinner.  She made a double batch and plans on dropping some of to her friends later tonight.  My other daughter takes a bite and says, "this cookies doesn't have enough chocolate chips."  The baker replies - it's like an Easter egg hunt.  We all started laughing.  Humor is welcomed and needed during a pandemic.  

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community and offering this challenge.


  1. A good laugh is so welcomed these days. It sounds like your daughters have a fun relationship. Sweet slice.

  2. We are having time to soak in the funny things our kids say. It makes me think maybe we were too busy to pay attention before.

  3. Love it ... it is important to not waste right now. She can move in with me!

  4. Lucky you to have a baker in the house! I must admit, I don't like to have to search for the chocolate chips in my cookies, but if someone else is baking, I won't complain.
