Monday, June 13, 2022

It's Monday, What are you reading? {#IMWAYR}

 This week I read - 

Take Off Your Brave  The World through the Eyes of a Preschool Poet by Nadim (age 4)  and the introduction by her mother Yasmine Shamma defined poetry to her son as "It's a kind of story of a feeling, or a moment." It was delightful to see how his mother who is an educator captured his words.

Day to Day Assessments in the Reading Workshop by Franki Sibberson and Karen Symusiak is one I'm reading with my team this summer. It was technically my third read and each time I find nuggets to ponder. It's the best how to reading workshop book with a responsive stance for the work we do with readers.

Love That Story by Jonathon Van Ness did not disappoint and opened my eyes and thinking to in many ways. I appreciate his openness and willingness to share his truth and hopes for a more inclusive world.

When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson was another text that opened my eyes and taught me many things about being a refugee. When I got to the back matter of the book, I couldn't stop reading every piece of information about how the story came to be. 

How To Love the World Poems of Gratitude and Hope by James Crews is my short read before going to sleep and was able to finish it midweek.

I'm currently reading - 

Live in Grace Walk in Love by Bob Goff is my morning short passage read before starting my day.

Rumi's Little Book of Life Translated by Maryam Mafi and Azima Melita Kolin is my short read before going to sleep.

I have a couple of books started and a huge TBR pile. I'm not sure what else will be on my list this week.

Thank you Jen at Teach Mentor Texts for co-hosting this event with Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers.


  1. I haven't been able to stop by in a little while, so I may be late in saying that the new look for your blog is very pretty! And all of these books look wonderful—When Stars Are Scattered was so impactful when I read it a few years ago, and I'm intrigued by Love That Story as well. Thanks so much for the wonderful post, Mandy!

  2. I agree completely with your remarks about When Stars Are Scattered. It's such an important book.

  3. Loved When Stars are Scattered!
