About Me

Third grade teacher passionate about - reading, math, writing, connections, & creativity. Enjoys the process. Co-founder of #pb10for10 & #nf10for10.  My One Little Word this year is - .

I began teaching in 1992 in a school where students sat at tables, on the floor, and workbooks didn't exist.  Classroom libraries were filled with children's literature and students were writing books.  Math manipulatives were open and available all the time. There was an abundance of materials to create and share our learning.  It was nothing to have paint out each day for someone.  Murals and group projects were a staple.  Have you ever heard of a stuffed mural and seen them hanging from the ceiling?  Field trips were common for several studies and the arts were alive within the classroom and not just during a special area time.  I left this school to be closer to home and these seven formative years remain in my heart pushing me to curve and bend the straight lines I think educators are often offered right now.

I'm currently teaching third grade and have spent my twenty plus years in education teaching grades K, 1, 1/2, 2, 2/3, and 3.  I have taught multi-age classrooms and single grades but if you stop and think about it, a single grade isn't everyone needing the same thing at the same time; which makes education a journey for our students and us as educators.  I have been lucky to have pieces published and videos taped for viewing at Choice Literacy. I've also authored a chapter in Launching Digital Writing in the Elementary Classroom via the Columbus Area Writing Project.  I am a monthly contributor to the blog Teachers l Books l Readers.  Cathy Mere and I are co-founders for #pb10for10 and #nf10for10 - both social media events celebrating must have favorite books of all time or maybe in the current moment.  Be prepared these days are dangerous for book loving friends.

Thank you for stopping by and joining me on this journey.