Saturday, June 3, 2017

Accepting {Celebrate This Week}

This week I'm celebrating accepting the unknown.

I've been wrestling with something for a month now and over time I've realized it's out of my hands.  About a month ago, I was told there is a 50% chance I will changing grade levels next year.  I have changed grade levels several times over the years; about every five years I get an itch.  I don't have the itch right now and it's not familiar territory so I'm feeling uneasy.  I'm not sure when there will be a decision so I have my school life on hold.

Accepting my school life is on hold has required a lot of acceptance.

In accepting this in-between I'm reading adult fiction, organizing fabrics, walking, running, driving the girls around, gardening, seeing friends, celebrating birthdays, and enjoying my first week off.  Right now I'm accepting the unknown because it's opened time and doors for new things.

Thank you Ruth for encouraging us to stop and think about Celebrations.


  1. Accepting the unknown is much better than worrying over it... I love how you have found the time and doors open to new things. You, your girls, and your friends are all benefitting from it.

  2. I'm in awe of your acceptance . . . way to go even when you don't know what the future holds right now. So many wonderful things happening instead of fretting. I'm wondering what adult fiction you're enjoying!

  3. The unknown can be challenging. You are right that if you can't do anything about it, it's better to do and enjoy what you can.

  4. It's sooo hard, but if it can be achieved, it does work. I'm in the same place. I'm moving schools and I have NO idea what grade level or class(es) I'm teaching. I panicked for a few weeks and now, I'm at acceptance too. It's calmer. Best of luck!

  5. Mandy, I always tell teachers that it is a positive to have moved to different grades. It gives a new perspective. I do understand how unnerving it is not to know thought.

  6. I see you finding the silver lining in the unknown. Giving yourself permission to engage where your heart desires for now. Good luck with the end result though. I feel/know you will find your way beautifully.
