Saturday, June 24, 2017

Being Able To {Celebrate This Week}

This week I am celebrating being able to...

send our middle daughter to Kent State University for their Fashion Academy.  A pre-college experience for high school students interested in studying fashion design.  What an incredible experience for someone who is trying to decide on a college to attend and career to pursue.

afford this adventure for her; by working hard and setting some priorities we could make it possible.

help her explore her passion.  Her passion isn't really available here in a high school curriculum so I/we work hard to help her explore, learn, create, and be active where her heart wants to take her.  

It's a fun journey to watch.  She smiles, she beams, she's happy which in turn makes me happy.

       Thank you Ruth for encouraging us to stop and think about Celebrations.


  1. What a great celebration! Good luck to your daughter. How wonderful it is that you can find a way to help her explore her passion. I hope she keeps smiling and beaming and you keep enjoying the journey!

  2. What a delight for your daughter to have this summer experience to explore her passion. And I celebrate her parents' hard work for making this opportunity available. She looks confident and determined and carefree in the pic.

  3. My first career started out in the fashion industry, but not design. What a great opportunity for her...and for you!

  4. Sweet photo!
    Love this... "so I/we work hard to help her explore, learn, create, and be active where her heart wants to take her"...

  5. How wonderful that you have been able to do this to support your daughter's passion.

  6. This will be a fabulous chance to practice at the craft will plenty of guidance and encouragement. Love the photograph!
