Thursday, March 21, 2019

First Outing {21 of 30 Slice of Life}

We pull into the away high school parking lot and it seems only appropriate now that I'm contagious free my first outing is here.  I'm bundled up in rain boots, fleece lined running leggings, my lounging shirt, my parka, headband, and gloves.  The sunshine has disappeared and Ohio gray has reappeared.  It doesn't really matter because I'm out of the house again.  As we walk to the field I find #19 suited up in her black, white, and royal blue.  They are warming up and the field begins to take shape.  YES!  She starting!  She's headed to first!  We've made it.  We've made it through chilly days.  We've made it through longer darker days.  We've made it through winter.  I've learned to love softball over the years and recently I've learned to love it for more reasons than actually the game.  I love how it provides exercise with a purpose.  I love how it's a team sport and everyone has a part.  I love how players can excel and learn a position or two.  I love the connections with real people in real time it can offer.  I love the smiles it brings to my girl!

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community.


  1. As a baseball mom I'm right there with you ... except I would like a timer like they have in soccer. Game over in 60 minutes -- it goes on forever!! Glad you are on the mend

  2. I was a water polo, gymnastics, soccer and swimming mom. So many wonderful memories of those days. Enjoy every minute! Yay for Spring and softball weather!

  3. So glad you're finally better! I'm almost there.

  4. I'm so glad you're out and enjoying some outside-of-your house air! And great your daughter's starting-- I know the feeling of wondering and being nervous about those decisions.

  5. But I think the real reason you find so many opportunities to love softball is that girl. That's what moms do, they fall in love with the passions of their children. Here's to more games with more sunshine. :-)
