I Read Signs by Tana Hoban is perfect for early literacy and showing children they can read signs found in their everyday life. Recognizing and understanding words and signs is one way children work on acquisition of vocabulary. We are still familiarizing ourselves with our school and I read this book to set the stage for a sign walk and big book making later this week. I'm thinking of being Tana Hoban with my camera in hand and capturing all the signs we find around our school digitally. Our conversation was very interesting today and so many children were sucessful readers because they have seen or could make sense out of the signs in Hoban's book. Reading signs at school will help familiarize them with their school and then I think we can collect signs from home we can read.
Addition: Today as I walked out with my students, M got all excited to find an exit sign for our photography on Thursday and a no smoking sign. Yea!
This book looks perfect for our ELL kindergarten teacher! I passed your website on to her. I love reading about your finds.