Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SLICE 2014 - 18 of 31 Grateful

I didn't feel well today, physically.  I thought it would go away and I could get on with my day but it didn't go away and my day kept going.  I decided after lunch I could take it a bit easy.  I didn't have to race around and do writing conferences.  What if I sat at one table and did some discussions here and kidwatching from a far.  I did just that.  We were finishing up some short pieces in hopes of cleaning out our writing folders and to start a new unit later this week.  Sometimes it's necessary to stop and watch, with no true agenda.  I saw children with writing stamina.  I saw children with writing plans.  I saw children thinking about making the writing easier for the writer to read.  I saw children using their manners.  I saw children using their new resources for spelling sight words and lowercase letter formation.  I am grateful the students were able to apply all they've learned so I could take it easy.  

Now, I need to take it easy and get myself in bed in hopes tomorrow is better.


  1. Sometimes it is nice to have an opportunity to just watch for a bit.

    Get well!

  2. I hope you're much better when you wake up, Mandy. There seems to be so little time to just sit and watch, & look at the wonderful things you saw when you did. A little feeling bad turned out to be feeling good! Thanks for the reminder to sit still once in a while.

  3. First of all, I hope you're feeling better! Second, those moments where we stop to breathe and really take a look at our classrooms and all the learning going on are powerful indeed. So glad you had that opportunity!
