Monday, March 31, 2014

SLICE 2014 - 31 of 31 - Thank You

This year I made a plan to slice about my teaching life Monday - Friday in hopes of finding things that make teaching sparkle right now.  I worried this might be hard because teaching is hard right now but it wasn't.  I was able to listen more intently and observe more intently, finding a sparkle most days.  I also think my slices this year brought a bit more of a reflective voice.  Sometimes in my blogging life, I'm not sure what to post and slicing brought a fresh new look to my blogging writing.   Slicing every day was easier than I thought, even if it was getting late in the evening I knew I wanted to stay strong.  I really enjoyed reading slices from this community and wish I had the time to read everything, everyone was willing to put in print.  I really appreciated checking in and finding comments from readers.  Feedback does bring a smile to an author, thank you.  Thank you for reading pieces from my heart and being part of my journey.  Until next year, enjoy and embrace what comes your way.


  1. It is a big community, Mandy, but somehow we manage to find a niche for ourselves. So glad that you were a part of the March SOLSC.

  2. Listening and observing more intently to find a sparkle - the daily writing can help in all areas of life. Reflecting after the monthly experience is valuable too. We all grew in some ways. It was a pleasure to visit your blog.
