Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Slice of Life - It's Okay to Throw Papers Out

Sitting at my kitchen island, looking at formative assessments and classwork for measurement during math workshop I get to the bottom of my "finished" box of papers and discovered two pre-assessments I did a couple of weeks ago on measurement.  I sit here and stare at them once again.  I'm not happy with the pre-assessment.  I took it from our district math resource.  I went a different path with another resource and began the unit on understanding why we use measurement tools and how to pick the right one to use.  I also started with centimeters and not the standard form of measurement.

All these thoughts ramble through  my mind and then I remember one of my wise mentors from my first year of teaching and Frank said something like this, "we all get behind.  If you haven't looked at the papers in a reasonable amount of time, then throw them away.  No one will ever know or remember, if it's been that long."  

Until you announce it while writing a Slice of Life post - I recycled those papers because plans change, needs change, and each day I try my best for that day.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering and organizing this writing challenge.


  1. Great point Mandy, and no one will ever know. With the immediate needs to be met, best to keep things that are important!

  2. I'm so glad to read that other teachers find batches of papers deep in their folders and decide that recycling them is the best option. Ugh! Along with a twinge of guilt I also feel a burden float off my shoulders :-)

  3. First of all, I laughed out loud at your line: Until you announce it in a Slice of Life post. So funny. And secondly, I just gave this same advice to a first year teacher last week! It's okay. Recycling is good for the environment. :)

  4. Love it!! If it is not informing your instruction or lifting the level what kids are doing --don't do it! Throw proudly!! Hang in there.
    Clare and Tammy

  5. I am quite the fan of the circular filing system. Besides, you did look at them, it did inform your instruction. It helped you travel down a different road. All is good.

  6. I've taught 19 years - this is the first year I've allowed myself to recycle old piles of papers. I agree completely with JenniferW - first feeling guilty, then completely free. Thanks for this post...

  7. I just had to read your post when I came across the title. Yes, it is Okay to let go of things that don't matter. We all need to embrace this for ourselves and our students. :-)

  8. Absolutely great advice! You learned what you needed to from those. If I'm honest before I throw them away I keep them at home for a week or two....just in case some one asks. Smiling with this Slice of Life :)

  9. Thank you for permission to recycle! I am having a hard time tossing or returning papers this year. Your slice reassures me.

  10. I am with you on this. A bit of waiting and some papers are ready to be recycled.
