Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Must Have for Readers and Teachers of Reading!

I couldn't stop reading Book Uncle and Me by Uma Krishnaswami!  I started it last night and came home to set a timer twice so I could balance reading and getting some things done.  Then I did a "chore" and my reward was finishing this book.  After you start this book, you'll have to decide if you are going to tune out everything around you or organize your time and have it help you get things done.

Yasmin has been reading a book every day for just over 400 days.  She gets a book every day from Book Uncle.  A retired teacher who has a loaning library on the street in India.  There are no fees or fines for borrowing his books.  He doesn't get upset if books don't get returned every so often.  His motto is - "Books.  Free.  Give one.  Take one.  Read-Read-Read."  

Unfortunately, Book Uncle receives a letter from the city stating he has to stop his lending library because he doesn't have a permit.  Yasmin rallies her school mates and community to help Book Uncle.  It involves empowering a community and becoming involved in a mayor election.  

Here are three lines I love from this story and hope you find, if you pick this book up.

"Right book for the right person for the right day.  As you know well, that is my motto."

"Sometimes you have to let the perfect book sit in your mind for a while before it begins to mean something."

"The book smell in the air turns me dizzy with joy."

This book was just published in 2016 and it appears Uma Krishnaswami has 20 books for readers from picture books to a couple of novels.  You can find out more about her at


  1. Sounds wonderful thanks!!!

  2. It sounds delightful! Thank you for sharing about it...I love the lines from it.
