Thursday, March 2, 2017

Finding our Momentum {Slice of Life Story Challenge}

History badges are not ready.  Rough start to the day at home.  I wish I was more prepared.  I tell myself - roll with it.  I just need something for a few minutes.  I want to get some momentum started.  I grab a history badge (an idea from a mentor).  I put it on and share - we are all going to become history detectives.  I then ask,  What do you think a history detective is or does?  My only thought was to have a verbal discussion.  After a couple of thoughts shared, I jump out of my chair.  I dash to the cupboard for some paper as I envision making a web.  I just needed to ask the children a question to find our momentum.  A simple preparation with big results and guidance for our learning.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for hosting this Slice of Life Story Challenge.


  1. You've got me wonder what a history badge is. I think kids are fascinated by history, so have fun with it!

  2. Terrific web for sharing what a history detective is and does! Love that name!
