Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Anxiety and Rollercoasters {27 of 31 Slice of Life}

"I want to ride the green rollercoaster." and off they went.  My husband and youngest daughter who is now fifteen years old.  It's a good thing they said it super fast and left.  I do not like rollercoasters at all and never have.  I realized today, I not only have my own rollercoaster fear - it's now a fear of my own children riding them.  I felt so anxious and felt dizzy looking at it knowing they might be on it.  Usually I can watch them and just think yuck, not me.  Today, if I tried to look at it I think I would of burst in to tears.  This might sound dramatic.  I know there's science and engineering behind the design of rollercoasters.  I know it took bravery to ride it.  It made her happy and still I walked around and prayed it all turned it out okay.  It did - she rode the green one again and enjoyed the peak speed of 65 miles per hour.  I enjoyed my feet on the ground.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community.


  1. Love that last line. Also, "I realized today, I not only have my own rollercoaster fear - it's now a fear of my own children riding them." Isn't it amazing how much we love our children? Our fears become our fears for our children. Fortunately, our courage also becomes our children's courage!

  2. I have hated roller coasters since I was a kid. My dad took me on my first when I was 7, and I've hated them since. I just don't understand the appeal, but, obviously, I'm in the minority! I don't have children, so I can only imagine the feeling you had when your children were at the theme park. It doesn't sound dramatic at all-I panic when my dog goes off in a car with someone else! :) I love your last line, and I'm right there with you!

  3. I know what you mean about fear for those you love riding that roller coaster. I prefer to stay off them too.
