Friday, April 28, 2023

#read6min - May Reading Challenge

I've enjoyed reading my whole life. I enjoy teaching reading and have found comfort in books. During my daughter's mental health journey I read every book doctors recommended and started gravitating towards picture books for more comfort. I was also searching for ways to talk to her without sounding like a worried parent. Picture books offered me a way to do just that. Recently, I listened to a podcast by Stephanie Affinito - The Power of Bibliotherapy and started researching bibliotherapy and the benefits of reading. I've known reading has had cognitive benefits and can help develop empathy. 

What I discovered was surprising physical benefits.

 -  Our heart rate slows down and our muscles relax. 

 - We have greater sleep.

 - Our stress lowers to 68%. 

 - Reading lengthens our life by 2 years! 

All of this can happen by reading JUST 6 minutes a day

My own reading can get put on the back burner. I would love to have these physical benefits and have more moments of bibliotherapy which I will be sharing more about during May.

I've created my own #reading6min challenge and hope you will join for 31 days in May. Follow my journey on Instagram - @mandyrobek_edu and feel free to use the infographic and join the #breakingstigmas movement. Welcome to Mental Health Awareness Month!

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