Saturday, May 20, 2023

How to be a Lion by Ed Vere {Mental Wellness}

How to be a Lion
by Ed Vere is my favorite boo for helping readers think about stepping outside ideas of who they should be and embracing unusual friendships. Leonard is not your usual lion. He loves to walk alone, think alone, daydream, and play with words. 

Yes, Leonard writes poetry! Leonard also has a friend Marianne who is a duck. Together they think and play with words while normally, lions would eat a duck (according to this text). They spend a lot of time together meandering and thinking. They ask questions and ponder solutions together. At this point in the story I pause with readers and think about what we each like in a friendship. 

One day Leonard and Marianne cross paths with a pack of fierce lions who are upset about their friendship; directing Leonard to be fierce. Together Leonard and Marianne think and ponder this request. They brainstorm ideas on their thinking hill and compose a poem to share with the pack of lions. 

This is an important book to share with someone struggling to find their own way and step away from what is perceived as social norms. 

My favorite bibliotherapy moment - 

"Let nobody say just one way is true. There are so many ways that you can be you."

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