Accepting What You Can't Control {14 of 31 Slice of Life}
Today was bumpy. It had twists and turns. I anticipated a smooth day with an agenda to figure things out at home. The twists and turns happened because each daughter has to accept changes to their lives that were made for them and they can't control. Softball season has been put on hold. Living independently and experiencing college as one should has been put on hold longer than anticipated. Anticipating a day full of connecting with second graders and getting ready for our time apart was put on hold. Twists and turns brought sadness, tears, hugs, naming emotions and sitting with them. I saw a hashtag today that made me smile and think there are things we can control. #notcancelled - I think that will be my focus tomorrow. There are things we can control and embrace that are good for us. Be strong friends in these times of uncertainty.
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community and offering this challenge.
Control can be such an aggressive, negative word but also powerful and mighty. We love it when we have it, and feel lost without it. There are so many angles we can view the impact of CO-VID19 which makes our issues seem miniscule, yet they are still what shapes us at the moment. Embrace the feelings the three of you have and use the twists and turns of today to help shape your tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteIt can be hard to sit with those big emotions and come to terms with them. There is so much outside of our control right now. I love your idea for focusing on what we can control--and what we can "enjoy and embrace"!
ReplyDeleteThis uncertain time is affecting everyone. It makes me sad that my daughter who is in law school had to fly back to her apartment because her cat was in boarding. So far away. Baseball was cancelled; my son is a coach. I have a feeling more is in store for us all. Hugs -- virtual ones -- are controllable, sending them out. Tomorrow is another day.
ReplyDeleteLarkin had a great post on constants yesterday - you might enjoy it. Hang in there - keep writing, keep connecting, keep creating, keep breathing. We are in this together my friend.