Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Goldfish

Pets. Students love to write about pets. I've discovered over the years it doesn't matter how old the students are pets can be a popular topic. They are easy to love, fun, and often full of adventures. Right now, we are a house full of pets. An English chocolate lab, a guinea pig, a rabbit, and one fish. Then my middle daughter likes to stretch the pet list to include the classroom pets which are a turtle, a baby guinea pig, and one large goldfish. It makes her list so much grander. My dog loves food so there are many stories I could tell about a loaf of bread disappearing or a box of farm fresh eggs bouncing through the kitchen.

My Goldfish, by Barroux is a great mentor text for pet writers. The writing of this book describes the goldfish with personification. It really made me think differently about a goldfish.

"My goldfish

is the strongest goldfish

in the world."

"My goldfish

has a beautiful voice.

When he sings,

the whole world listens."

The illustrations also enhance the uniqueness of this book. In hues of orange and blue, the author/illustrator increases the reader's comprehension. For the strongest goldfish page, the goldfish is outside of his big bowl, holding it up in the air with it's mouth closed. For the beautiful goldfish page, there is another fish bowl next to it just filled with fish listening to the beautiful singing. If you want to raise your writer's thinking about pet writing, this book can do that.

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,
    I will be running out the get this book. You are right, the kindergartners have many great stories about their pets! We also begin our study of goldfish and guppies after spring break. Perfect timing.
