I have had the pleasure of spending a half an hour over the past two days with Mr. George the Librarian and I've enjoyed every minute. My students have enjoyed every minute. Mr. George contacted our school and wanted to come visit our kindergarten students with an invitation for a pajama party at the library to sign up and get library cards! What a brilliant idea. He is the public library manager of our quaint little public library and also has several other positions within this title. Mr. George came and read books to us but his style of reading is not like any other. He is over the top with animation, sound effects, body language, and singing. I don't think anything in technology can match what he does! I found myself mesmerized and it all seemed so natural. It was interesting to learn he has done a lot of reading and studying about children, behaviors, psychology and incorporated it into his work. My students were so excited about new books, his library, and hearing more from him next week. Reading and spending time with books should be exciting! I'm so grateful to have begun this relationship with another professional who has children and books at the forefront of what he does. Thank you for becoming a partner with us and extending our learning to your quaint little library.
I love it when a new person visits our school who is able to excite the students, about anything. When those adults are that memorable, it creates such motivation for the kids. Your librarian sounds like just the great visitor. I'm glad you can have such a relationship.