Sunday, March 18, 2012

Slice 2012 - 18 of 31 JUST US

There is a lot to be said for leaving home; daily routines, daily chores, work, activities and friends. A day at the pool - JUST US was good for our souls. Simple interactions with those that make a family were greatly needed. Grateful these last minute plans happened. We did include grandma and grandpa in our day and are richer because of them too.


  1. Enjoy this time away with JUST YOU.

  2. I love last minute plans. Some of my favorite childhood memories were those "spur of the moment" days. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a great way to spend the day disconnecting from everything but the people you love!

  4. That sounds really nice. It's too cold here for pool days right now. I love that you were able to have an impromptu day for relaxation with your family in the middle of March.

  5. My daughter is home for Spring Break, and although I am working, we spent this entire weekend just being together,now that she is almost 21, our time together has morphed into something so totally different. We talked to her college freshman brother together, and next Saturday we have a whole day together as a family. We plan on pajama day, where we spend the entire day in the house, and only people close enough to us can come to visit. A tradition born in elementary school when anyone could declare pajama day, and it was done.

  6. JUST US...the most important part. Enjoy this time with your family.
