Saturday, March 31, 2012

Slice 2012 - 31 of 31 I Did It!

Today ends the Slice 2012 challenge.  When I heard all of my friends joining this worthy effort I didn't jump in.  I was going to watch from afar, support, and admire them for making the commitment.  I watched the first three days and each day caught something from my day I wanted to record or sharing thinking about.  So, on day four I decided to jump but wanted to share what had been floating in my head so I started writing post from Day 1.  I  could fudge my own blogging dates but missed posted at Two Writing Teachers for Days 1-3.  In my mind and if you have followed I've done 31 straight days of posting.

I've tried to capture a slice from my life each day.  I tried to write about the moment and being present in what was currently going on in my life.  I've admired those who wrote tributes to special people, tried fiction - I can't imagine, and were very reflective about previous things in their lives.  I'm crunched for time in life right now.  I teach two classes of K and have a family of three girls.  I found if I kept my post short, I could keep up with my goal to write daily.  I often use my blog as a forum to share books I've found to use with students and professional reading I do.  It's safe to review what others have written.  I found myself becoming a bit more comfortable with sharing personal thinking.  I feel like I've missed sharing some topics I could of chosen along the way.

I have appreciated the comments and feedback with each post.  I found the comments that were personal very encouraging and supportive, thank you.  I found a few comments related to something about my writing that I didn't realize I was doing and was impressed I had qualities of a writer.  I just wrote to write to increase stamina and consistency.  My friend Karen would often favorite one of my pieces on twitter.  What a compliment.  I tried to write in various formats.  I tried to gather information for further writing.  My only regret was not taking the time to comment to others as much as I would of liked to.  I was sometimes barely getting through my busy days or trying to really honor vacation and reduced tech time.  I was glad my dedication pushed me to trying an app and continue each day while away from my laptop.  Thank you to so many people who have enriched my life.  By writing each day I feel like I have honored many things Donald Graves has taught me through his own writing.  


  1. Congratulations on your 31 posts! In my mind, it doesn't matter when you post them, just that you did. I'm the queen of knowing that when life gets busy, there are things we can easily let go by the wayside. Writing was one of them for me. So glad we were able to support one another along our writing journey!

  2. That last sentence says a lot! I don't think have to even think twice about not commenting on enough people or anything of that nature. I think to show up every day (regardless of when those first three were posted) is a HUGE accomplishment and something to celebrate (ESPECIALLY if you are teaching K and have 3 girls at home). I am currently a literacy coach, I keep wondering how I can do this again next year when I'm back teaching full-time. So, thank you for showing me that it is possible and it's possible!

  3. Mandy,
    I am so glad you decided to jump in and share your stories. I think it is quite an accomplishment to have posted every day. I am always impressed with all you accomplish in this busy world.

