Wednesday, February 26, 2014

LOOK AT THIS nonfiction series

Ifeoma Onyefulu has captured the culture and life of Mali, West Africa with stunning photographs.  In this LOOK AT THIS series, she has a book titled Home, Food, Clothes and Play.  These books are just gorgeous and capture life in a natural way for the reader.  Single photos are on each page. Sometimes the photo fills the page and sometimes it is a smaller rectangle with more white space around it. Ifeoma has photographed everyday objects found in a Mali home.  Some of these objects will be familiar to the reader and others will be new because they are specific to Mali.  The text  is a single word or two labeling the photograph.  If an object is unfamiliar to the reader there is often a simple label explanation.  

I love the introduction at the beginning of each book where Ifeoma explains things of interest to the reader to understand the culture and environment in Mali.  I think any age reader will benefit from reading these books and discussing similarities and differences between where the reader lives and Mali.  I discovered these books from a friend.  She shared with me an opportunity to work with our local Columbus Zoo and their Partners in Conservation Program which takes place in Rwanda.  This is very far from where we live.  The photos and stories told by zoo representatives were uplifting and encouraging.  This program is changing the lives of people, animals, and the environment.   I am excited to share a different culture with my students and help others that are truly helping themselves because of the PIC program.

Thank you Alyson for hosting Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday.  I've been stalking since the new year, sharing nonfiction on Wednesday, and thought I should link up becoming an active participant.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mandy. I appreciate you steering me toward another winner series.
