Monday, June 9, 2014

Professional Reading for Math

I've learned with each grade level change my habit, my reaction, and my coping mechanism is to gather professional books so I can feel on top of my game.  I chuckle at this thought, because while I am still teaching and it's true my profession doesn't change it always feels like a new job.  The feelings of excitement, fear, and courage are all rolled up into one emotion right now.  

This time though I feel like I am coming home.  I taught second grade my first year of teaching as I taught a multiage 2/3 classroom.  I then taught it again while I did a 1/2 multiage classroom for five years.  However, I've been away from second grade since 2000.  Yikes, thus within the first three days of knowing I was moving grade levels I discovered lots of great books to come my way!  It's a lofty collection but I always say there should be the letter grade E, E for effort!

Today I am sharing my collection of professional resources I'm looking at for understanding the standards and mathematical practices while thinking about the big picture for mathematics.  I'll share the title and why I picked each book, in hopes of helping you think about math this summer.


It's easy to say I know what the mathematical practices are, sure we do problem solving but they are really much more.  This text caught my eye when it said mathematical discussions need; anticipating, monitoring, selecting sequencing, and connecting.

Putting the Practices into Action K-8 - by O'Connell and San Giovanni via Heinemann

Another book to help me unpack the mathematical practices while offering suggestions to maintain and obtain math skills.  Promises to offer many classroom suggestions!

This book offers suggestions for creating the context needed for problem solving.  There are conditions needed for authentic problem solving and this book has the answers to help us create problem solving conditions.

Intentional Talk - by Kazemi and Hintz via Stenhouse

YEA, a book with strategies and a framework for fostering mathematical conversations between students and teachers.  

Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work - by Larson and team via NCTM

My district is implementing an enrichment/intervention block each day by grade level where no new material can be taught.  Teachers will be sharing kids during this block of time and this book peaked my interest because it's all about professional learning communities.  It's going to offer guidance, tools, resources, activities, suggestions for analyzing and interpreting the standards.

What exactly will I be teaching this year and where are my students coming from in first grade?  I think this book will get me on the right track.

If you are reading one of these books this summer or pick up one of these books let me know.  I'd love to hear what others are reading and thinking about mathematically this summer and maybe it can become a discussion for the #nerdymathclub on twitter.


  1. Looking forward to math conversations this summer. Our fifth grade is transitioning and I am on a similar path. Great new titles for me I am headed to NCTM right now to check out the books.

  2. You will have to let me know what you picked up when you visited NCTM. I'm glad you found this helpful.
