Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Slice of Life - Protocols


Modeled yesterday.
Piece of writing is read first by everyone.
One group member shares responses.
Others listen.
The author responds.
Others still listening.
Next group member shares responses.
Others listen.
The author responds.
Others listen.
Repeat and continue until all group members have shared.
Looks easy enough - we can implement.

Piece of writing is read first by everyone.
One group member shares responses.
Might be interrupted.
Others listening, difficult!
Eye expressions happen.
Mouths are covered up.
Hand gestures.
Chocolate break to keep self busy.

Goal met.
Writers pushed.
Protocol tweaked.

I have the honor and pleasure to be working this week and next with the Columbus Area Writing Project on a new little adventure.  I am equally blessed to be working in a small group of local educators that has new friends and old friends for me.  I can't wait to see what this week and next brings our group.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for hosting and fostering this writing community.


  1. Listening. The hard part and the most important part of writing.
    I like your protocol.
    Curious how you tweaked it.

    1. Thanks for asking how it was tweaked, it is the reality piece of my writing. Only one person can talk at a time and they can't be interrupted. Our reality was it was so hard to not jump in. As you said, listening is the hard part.

  2. I wrote about our work today too! What a wonderful day of learning, laughing, pushing, and thinking! Can't wait for tomorrow.

  3. There's nothing wrong with a chocolate break. In fact, I'm being fueled by chocolate these days. ;0

  4. Mandy,
    Loved your protocol piece. I actually laughed a little as I read it --- maybe even flashed smiling eyes of agreement. I'm learning to provide feedback nonverbally. ;o)

    Looking forward to our next steps and always happy to be working/learning alongside you.


  5. I love this protocol, it allows all to be heard and understand, and it's great for me! My OLW- listen!

  6. Love the format you used to reflect on the day. And glad to hear how it was tweaked. Listening is so hard!

  7. It always looks good on paper...
