Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Same Idea in a Different Genre {Slice of Life}

With much anticipation I wait for the first blossom to appear.  I start by soaking the seeds overnight in water to help them get jumpstarted.  I gently place them in the soil and watch for weeks as vines grow in height and wrap around the trellis.  That first morning glory blossom takes me back in time each year.  I'm about 8 or 9 years old and it is summer vacation.  We hop out of the car and find grandma.  She's usually in the house or we find her at the beach in her swim suit ready for her day.  She's excited to show us her morning glories.  We skip and hurry down near the lake.  Every year, in the same spot her old tree stump is wrapped in morning glory vines.  The old tree stump is probably three feet round in diameter and about three feet tall.  It's thick and wide; looking like a mini jungle in the yard.  There they are bursts of blue and pink blossoms!  Round and open, welcoming us for the day.  They are magical in my heart and mind because by lunchtime they will be closed; resting for another greeting the next day.

My first morning glory blossomed last week and I was immediately brought back to my grandmother's yard and having her next to me.  She was a lucky woman and lived on the lake year round.  I was a lucky girl because she was a short drive away and I could go any time I wanted to.  At first, I collected words and shared Haiku#5 this past Friday for Poetry Friday about morning glories but immediately I wanted to write a little slice; a narrative using the same topic.  I think I need to encourage my classroom writers to try the same thing; the same idea in a different genre.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for organizing our Slice of Life writing community.


  1. Love this idea! I'll have to bookmark your blog to share it with my students! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I enjoyed your memories explaining how significant the morning glories are, and why you are planting them. Your piece took me back to some special memories with my grandparents. A stump of morning glories for you, a cellar door, corner cupboard, rocky lane for me :) I also think you are smart to write over different genres. Often doing so reveals the kernel of significance, and the words and phrases that we want to keep.

  3. Love this idea, too - I'll have to give it a whirl, Mandy. I'll be planting morning glories next wee - can't wait!

  4. I like how you wrote about the same topic in a different genre. And I loved reading your memories of your grandmother and the morning glories. We had them in the backyard near the clothesline.

  5. Such a wonderful memory, Mandy, and I echo the other comments, great idea to use the same memory in different genres. My family lived on a lake for a few years before we moved to Colorado. It was a wonderful place to live.
