Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Are There Books for That? {Slice of Life}

First thing Monday morning four of us gather with a parent in my room to review an IEP up for review.  My mind was reading, processing, and inquiring about a few things.  I thought I was asking some good questions; a little nitty gritty, a bit global, and a bit whole child. Until...

We shared with the parent the next step in reading is going to be reading multisyllabic words but that needs to come up in his systematic phonics small group instruction probably first.  Then our conversation went to a fluency goal which probably needs the work with multi syllable words to happen first to see the goals that are hoped for.  My student's mom asked how she could help him practice this. An intervention teacher said, "We have controlled text passages and I can share them with you."  Her next question is brilliant, "Are there books for that?"  The answer for this was not really.

I was so happy my parent understood books are the best vehicle for reading instruction.  

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for fostering this writing community.


  1. A wonderful slice! And a wise parent. Books will be the gateway to those multisyllabic words, I bet.

  2. What a great feeling knowing that you have this parent in your corner willing to do anything they can to help their child. And what a great way to start a Monday!

  3. I was reading this hoping that you were going to bring in books! I love how short your post is but that this tension was there. I'm so happy that mother was going with books!

  4. I LOVE that she asked for the authentic option -- books! Hooray for you and for the parent!

  5. I also love that parent's question. So glad she is nurturing his reading heart!

  6. Yes, yes, yes! There is a book for that! Any book except those controlled passage book. I hope your parents are tuning into your Instagram account that highlights books for their kids. I'm loving it

  7. I love, love, love when I hear stories like this. I hear so often of families putting the task on teachers or asking for the easy out. Parents should always be as involved as this.

  8. Wonderful! It´s always so nice to have parents involved!
