Thursday, February 11, 2021

RETURNING with smiles and love. {SOS: Magic in a Blog}

With the anticipation of a returning to school full time announcement coming this evening, I began thinking earlier today about things I will have return to my classroom and what can safely return because there will still be so many health restrictions and protocols.

Chapter book read aloud daily.

Classroom book a day.

Poetry Fridays.

Status of the Class.

No more hybrid planning!

More discussions with less physical spacing.

More friendships.

More community.

More smiles.

More love.

As I wrote this list, I found myself thinking I can't believe I'm putting out in the world we haven't been reading a chapter book this year or doing classroom book a day or Poetry Friday....then I said stop. This is the year of grace. This is the year of less time with students. This is the year with so much handwashing. This is the year of hybrid teaching and we all know nothing in school or learning at home remotely looks like the past learning we all know and love. So, instead of a confession list I hope it's viewed as I love these things and yes they are coming back!

PS - Yes, I'm worried about returning full time. I worry about more children sitting in desks all day together in our space that has felt spacious with six feet, which will now have to be three feet apart and I envision feeling squished. I was worried in August and made it through. We'll make it through this next season with smiles and love. This I know!

Join me as I share my story with

                                                           Sharing Our Stories:  Magic in a Blog 


  1. I am happy for you for returning to school. The distance learning situation was not an ordinary one and all teachers had to make choices of what and how to do. Not doing some regular things is so understandable. The more joy they will bring ow that you will return. The appreciation for all will grow.

  2. I love your focus on grace and "more" as you return to the classroom. Prayers for safety for all and an increase of friendship, community, smiles (rely on the dancing eyes), and love.

  3. I celebrate all that is returning to your schedule, but also ache for the fears of the unknowns to be discovered. I hope all will go well and someday school will look like a learning community instead of learning islands.

  4. It IS a year of grace. Our staff and students are returning to campus next week, and tensions are high. All the new protocols seem impossible to maintain - there are so many psychological ramifications to this, in addition to the physical. Yet you write with such hope, in such love - the exact prescription needed just now! Wellness, safety, and joy to all of you - thank you for this dose of strength.

  5. So glad that this is coming back and hope it will everywhere! XO

  6. Mandy, this IS a year for grace. Our staff and students are returning next week, too, and tensions are running high - yet here you remind us of the good, of love and hope, even the joy of learning despite the near-impossible-to-sustain measures. It is possible! Wellness and safety and ongoing strength to you!

  7. Yes grace! And excitement and joy and love for the things that are returning and will make a difference for children. You are lovely. You are lovely. You are lovely.

    And it will be okay.

  8. I love how you said that.

    This is is the year.

    This is the year of grace.

  9. I love your list and your call for grace! I so hope you have a good return to full school!
