Friday, May 12, 2023

Sometimes I Grumblequinch by Rachel Vail {Mental Wellness}

How fun is the word grumblequinch! My readers were already intrigued with the book from the title and the expression on the front cover. Sometimes I Grumblequinch by Rachel Vail explores big emotions. Katie Honors is our main character who is nice, accepting, and accommodating. 

Her baby brother Chuck though can be frustrating and we learn that grumblequinch is when her "insides tighten and I think mean thoughts." He continues to be frustrating and she wishes him away and shares other actions she'd like to happen to him. However, she doesn't share or act on this thoughts - she grumblequinches them down.

Pushing her thoughts down leads to an explosion of emotions with regret. She waits for her mom to offer consequences that never come. Her mom's response is a gentle reminder for adults caring for others.

The Rachel Vail had left an author's note with wisdom about emotions. Hyewon Yum has an illustrator's note sharing illustrative moves she made using colored pencils to show Katie's emotions. Both share a bit about their own emotion journey as a child.

My bibliotherapy moment came from the author's note - 

"Sharing honestly helps you cope."

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