Saturday, May 27, 2023

When Sadness is at Your Door by Eva Eland {Mental Wellness}

When Sadness is at Your Door by Eva Eland is my favorite book about sadness. We need to talk about sadness more and picture sadness. Eva has taken a topic often illustrated with dark hues and uses a light aqua teal to represent sadness. Along with brown, choral, and a smooth white/ivory background readers are encouraged to accept sadness.

Eva reminds us sadness surprises us. Sadness lingers. We can try to hide it. Then she writes giving readers ideas for living with sadness. We need to name it, listen to it, understand where it comes from and what it needs. We don't have to understand it and we need to sit with it. 

Sadness can want us to sit and not do very much. This is okay and we need to do opposite action activities - things that we don't really want to do so we get engaged and moving. Eva shares ideas like drawing or listening to music to name a few. Reminding us that tomorrow is a new day.

A great follow up is a writer's notebook entry about things that make you sad.

On Eva's website she has teaching notes to guide our work with her book.

My bibliotherapy moment - 

"If you don't understand each other, just sit together and be quiet for a while."

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